Royal Salute 21 Year Old The Signature Blend 1L

Royal Salute 21 Year Old The Signature Blend 1L

Gila Anejo Tequila 750ml

Gila Anejo Tequila 750ml

Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve Blended Scotch Whisky 1L

Location: El Salvador International Airport : Atilisa 215 (Gates:7-8)

** Orders have to be placed 24 Hours before Flight Time **

Availability: In stock
With Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve, such a versatile blend, our master blender explored his reserves for casks matured to the point where their flavours are at their vibrant best. Classic malt whiskies and creamy Lowland grain whiskies to create the most perfectly-balanced of luxury blends. Ideal for classic Scotch based cocktail. Distinct flavours can be enhanced through a choice of mixers and ingredients.