Dolce Garden EDP 75Ml
Dolce Garden Eau de Parfum is a delicious flower blossoming in a garden where simple pleasures and spontaneity set the beat for a joyful dance during a lazy yet groovy afternoon.
With Dolce Garden, the frangipani blossom joins the delightful bouquet of the Dolce... Read More
El Salvador International Airport : Atilisa 215 (Gates:7-8)
** Orders have to be placed 24 Hours before Flight Time **
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Dolce Garden Eau de Parfum is a delicious flower blossoming in a garden where simple pleasures and spontaneity set the beat for a joyful dance during a lazy yet groovy afternoon.
With Dolce Garden, the frangipani blossom joins the delightful bouquet of the Dolce family. A joyful, solar aura blending citrus and cream.
An exquisite balance of freshness and sweetness, the scents of a blooming garden.
To express the playful femininity of Dolce Garden, the unique designed bottle, the fragrance and flower cap take on a pastel pink portraying the innate delicatessen of flowers in bloom.